Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Earth's Inner Temperature Taken: It's Hot!

Scientists have measured the temperature of inner ward of earth using advanced instruments and new methods and they have found out that few thousands of miles below the earth the temperature reached 66000 degree Fahrenheit.
The finding is published in the Journal "science" which helps geologists understand how heat is transferred through planet's interior, which drives all the geological processes like earthquakes and volcanoes, and Earth's magnetic field.
Robert van der Hilst of MIT and his colleagues examined earthquake generated seismic waves in real time. These seismic waves are generated thousands of miles beneath the earth's surface, their speed depend on the material through which they travels and the existing temperature and pressure. Scientists have calculated the approximate temperature of mantle and core transition as 6500 degree and inner core 9000 degree almost equal to the surface temperature of sun.
The new temperature measurements will also helps geoscientists better understand the magnetic field of earth which protects us from cosmic rays and solar storms.
We know the Earth’s magnetic field is generated and maintained in the liquid outer core of the Earth where you basically have rapid flow of metallic iron,” van der Hilst said. Since iron is charged, the swirling iron mix sets up an electric field that gives rise to Earth’s magnetic field.
With advance of science and technology everybody should hope one day there will be affordable means to tap this tremendous energy for the benefit of the mankind.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Neutron Star Found

Neutron stars are the collapsed cores of some massive stars. They pack roughly the mass of our Sun into a region the size of a city. We'll talk about neutron star evolution in a bit, but let's say you take your run of the mill mature neutron star, which has recovered from its birth trauma. What is its structure like? First, the typical mass of a neutron star is about 1.4 solar masses, and the radius is probably about 10 km.

A new neutron star was found out recently by the astronomers. It is the eighth known neutron star ever. Peculiar thing is that it is very nearer to our planet earth.The object has been nicknamed Calvera, after the villain in the 1960s western film The Magnificent Seven. Other seven stars were collectively known as magnificent seven. Neutron stars are formed due to supernova explosion. Stars exhaust the nuclear fuel.

This explosion blows off the outer layers of the star, forming a supernova remnant. The central region of the star collapses under gravity, causing protons and electrons to combine to form neutrons - hence the name "neutron star".

Details of the study, by a team of American and Canadian researchers, will appear in the Astrophysical Journal.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Top 10 Useless Limbs (and Other Vestigial Organs)

1-The Wings on Flightless Birds 6-Wisdom Teeth in Humans
2-Hind Leg Bones in Whales 7-The Sexual Organs of Dandelions
3-Erector Pili and Body Hair 8-Fake Sex in Virgin Whiptail Lizards (Vestigial Behavior)
4-The Human Tailbone (Coccyx) 9-Male Breast Tissue and Nipples
5-The Blind Fish Astyanax Mexicanus 10-The Human Appendix
Darwin has told all those in his book Origin of Species

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Natural Disasters: Top 10 U.S. Threats

1- Pacific Northwest Megathrust Earthquake

2-New York Hurricane
3-Asteroid Impact
4-Los Angeles Tsunami
6-Midwest Earthquake
7-Heat Waves- Heat Wave kills more U.S citizens than any other natural disaster.
8-East Coast Tsunami
9-Gulf Coast Tsunami
10-Total Destruction of Earth
These Natural Disasters are not only threat to United States
But to the whole world at large. The humanity should be
consious enough to prevent these mishappenings and
save his country and planet

Friday, August 17, 2007

Top ten unexplained phenomena

1- The Body/Mind Connection--- Medical science has failed to prove
2-Psychic powers and ESP(EXtrasensory perception)- science has failed in this case
3-Near-Death Experiences and Life After Death- There is no clue
4-UFO- Unidentified flying objects- No prove
5-Ghosts-They exists
6-Mysterious Disappearances- This has happened in past
7-Intuition- Seers say that exists
8-Bigfoot-this was found in snowy region,enquired but no clue
9-The Taos Hum- No clue
10-D�j� vu- A French word means already seen like an impression but not proved

Star with a comet tail

Astronomers have discovered something they've never seen before: a star with a tail like a comet. Even more amazing is the fact that the newfound tail is attached to one of the most popular stars in the sky, a red giant named Mira. Amateur and professional astronomers have been watching Mira for 400 years and only recently has a NASA space telescope spotted its massive tail. The name Mira is from a latin word "wonderful"
Astronomers say Mira's tail offers a unique opportunity to study how stars like our sun die and ultimately seed new solar systems.This tail consists of carbon,oxygen and other elements as scientists believe.
The fact that Mira's tail only glows with ultraviolet light might explain why other telescopes have missed it except GALEX,the telescope that scan ultraviolet activities in sky